SDS Student Access to Notes Through Accommodate

 With the new Accommodate system, students are able to log-in into their Accommodate account and access notes. Below are instructions on how to access  your notes through Accommodate.

  1. After logging into Accommodate click on the “Note-Taker Network” tab on the top icon bar for access to notes uploaded by the assigned note-taker.


  1. You will be able to see your classes listed.


  1. Click on your class to access the notes for that specific class.


  1. Clicking on the documents title will allow you to open the file.


  1. Using the keyword function, you will be able to search for keyword for specific set of notes.


  1. Please note that you must download your notes from Accommodate. You will not be able to access your notes after the last day of classes for the current semester.


Click SDS Student Access to Note-Taker Network to download the PowerPoint pdf version of the above instructions with screenshots.