Scheduling Exams in Accommodate

Summer 2024 Testing Hours:

Monday through Thursday, 9am to 4pm, if scheduled in advance.

To schedule a test in Accommodate:

Click on the icon under “Student Accommodate Login” located at the top of the SDS webpage menu. This will log you into Accommodate. If you are using a screen-reader, click now.

  1. On the Accommodate main page, click on the left side menu item “Testing Room“.
  2. Click on the button (bottom left) that says “New Booking Request”.
  3. Choose the course for which you want to schedule the test from the course pull-down menu.
  4. Click “Select” to choose the date you want to schedule the test. Leave the building and room boxes blank.  Follow any on-screen directions that apply to you.
  5. Scroll down to click on the “Refine Results” button.
  6. On the right of the screen, see the times and rooms listed under your date. Click on the room number next to the time you want to start your test.
  7. In the “Exam Booking” pop-up window,
    • Enter your instructor’s name in the Professor text box (e.g., “Dr. Sandy Smith” or “Stephen Doe”).
    • Click “yes” or “no” if your test time will overlap with the time the rest of the class is taking it.
    • If “no”, indicate whether you have received written permission from your professor to take your test at a different time than the class. If yes, students must send a copy of the instructor’s approval email to
    • When requesting an alternate time or date for testing than when the rest of the class is taking the exam, you must email your faculty member with the date and time you wish to schedule the test, give the instructor an explanation of why you need to take the test at a different time, and request an approval/confirmation
    • Receiving instructor approval for alternate testing dates or times is the responsibility of the examinee/student. If you are unable to reach your instructor after multiple attempts, please ask SDS staff for assistance in contacting your instructor. If you have concerns about contacting your instructor, please contact your disability specialist for assistance.
    • In the “Notes” box on the booking request, please include anything else SDS should know about your exam, such as needing specialized software (Jaws), a large print exam or magnification, a reader, a scribe, etc...
    • Click “Submit Request.”

If you are experiencing difficulties scheduling exams or have questions regarding accommodated testing, please contact us at 410-455-2459 or

*We recommend that each time you schedule an accommodated test or quiz in SDS, you notify/remind your instructors.*