Time management & distraction free support

The following Free or Low Cost Assistive Technology software programs are available for anyone to use. The following programs, software, websites, and apps focus on different forms of Time Management and Distraction Free Support.

Time Management & Distraction Free:

Cold Turkey

Cold Turkey Logo


  • Block distracting websites
  • Set the websites you want blocked and for how long and go “cold turkey” from them
  • If the timer is still going, you won’t be able to access your blocked websites
  • Pro version provides blocking of Applications, White Listing, Break Intervals, and Frozen Turkey features
  • More Information: https://getcoldturkey.com/

Cost: Free

Compatibility: Windows; Mac


SelfControl Logo


  • Block your own access to distracting websites, mail servers, or anything on the internet using this downloadable program to your computer
  • Set a timer for the amount of time to block websites
  • If the timer is still going, you won’t be able to view or access these websites
  • More Information: https://selfcontrolapp.com/

Cost: Free

Compatibility: Mac OS

Time Timer

Time Timer Logo


  • Visual timer great for people of any age
  • Visually structure your time or break time up into segments using this timer program
  • Easy to use app interface with up to four visual timers
  • Time seconds, minutes or hours with this timer
  • More Information: http://www.timetimer.com/

Cost: $0.99-$4.99

Compatibility: iOS: iPad, iPhone, iPod touch; Android


30/30 Logo


  • Create a task list and add a length of time to each task
  • Start the timer and when it’s time to move on to the next task it will alert you
  • Customize with colors, icons and labels
  • More Information: http://3030.binaryhammer.com/

Cost: Free

Compatibility: iOS: iPad, iPhone, iPod touch


focusbooster Logo


  • Pomodoro Timer to help you stay on task when completing work
  • Using the Pomodoro Method of 25 minutes of work and 5 minute break, maximize your work session
  • Track your time more efficiently within your account
  • Productivity reports on your dashboard
  • Different visual themes for your flexibility
  • More Information: https://www.focusboosterapp.com/

Cost: Trial: free; Individual: $3/month; Professional: $5/month

Compatibility: Online Resource; Windows; Mac

Strict Workflow

Strict Workflow Logo


  • Use this Chrome Extension to enforce a 25 minute work and 5 minute break distraction-free work zone
  • Uses the Pomodoro Technique
  • Blocks you from distracting websites you have set in your customizable list
  • More Information: https://goo.gl/vMQqSI

Cost: Free

Compatibility: Chrome Extension


StayFocused Logo


  • Increase your productivity by limiting the amount of time you spend on websites that waste your time
  • Pre-program distracting and time wasting websites
  • When your time limit is up, these sites will be inaccessible for the rest of the day
  • More Information: http://goo.gl/I5OBeq

Cost: Free

Compatibility: Chrome Extension


MyTomatoes Logo


  • Use MyTomatoes to time and track your progress using the pomodoro technique
  • Start the timer and work for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break
  • At the end of each work sitting, write what you did to track your progress
  • More Information: http://mytomatoes.com/

Cost: Free

Compatibility: Online Resource

Tomato Timer

Tomato Timer Logo


  • Using the Pomodoro Time method, break up your work or school tasks into manageable worktimes
  • Use the 25 minutes of worktime and 5 minutes of break time pattern to maximize workflow
  • After a set number of short Pomodoros, take a longer Pomodoro break
  • More Information: http://tomato-timer.com/

Cost: Free

Compatibility: Online Resource


TitleTimeTacker Logo


  • Track how long you’ve been off task in a website
  • A running time clock appears at the top of the tab you have opened counting how many minutes and seconds you’ve been in that website
  • More Information: http://goo.gl/uXKJgg

Cost: Free

Compatibility: Chrome Extension

RescueTime Dashboard

RescueTime Dashboard Logo


  • Personal-analytic service to track how you spend your time on your computer, smartphone or tablet
  • Get a customized report of what sites you visit and what you do on your devices
  • No manual date-entry, it tracks as you work
  • More Information: https://www.rescuetime.com/browser-plugin

Cost: Free

Compatibility: OS X, Windows, Linux, Android, ChromeOS


WriteRoom Logo


  • Full screen, distraction free writing environment
  • Get your computer distractions out of the way with just you, and the text on your computer screen
  • Limits layout ability, including limiting the ability to add graphs, and tables
  • Auto save and word count are available features
  • More Information: http://www.hogbaysoftware.com/products/writeroom

Cost: $9.99

Compatibility: Extension for Chrome, Firefox, Opera


Fokus Logo


  • Highlight only the text you want to read while Fokus dims and darkens the rest of your Chrome or Firefox window with an overlay
  • Highlights the paragraph you’re reading with the ability to change the opacity of the background overlay
  • Easy to install extension with the ability to turn the feature on or off
  • More Information: http://goo.gl/pHjc3b or http://goo.gl/CZVhBw

Cost: Free

Compatibility: Chrome and Firefox Add-On